There’s something you’re hiding in your plant. It’s gross, old, and a little bit scary. It’s something you hope no one else ever has to see: It’s the system you have for keeping track of robotic weld data.
As a firm of former system integrators with over 50 years of experience in the field, we’ve seen it all. Robotic joining process data is unwieldy and complex, and managing it can be a full time job in itself. Especially in large automotive body shops where things might be changed or ‘touched up’ daily, having access to accurate data for hundreds of robots and thousands of processes is no small task.
That’s where your current system for handling data comes in. Maybe it’s spreadsheets and printouts pasted up wherever you hope you’ll remember them. Maybe it’s clunky, outdated manual software tools. Maybe it’s a cobbled-together in-house product that causes as many problems as it solves. No matter what you’re currently using to deal with the problem, you’ve probably figure out the result: It’s not working the way it should.
Why does that matter? Because this data is important. Losing track of your joining process data means losing control of what’s going on in your factory, and it leads to measurable consequences. Untraceable errors like swapped ids or bad base frames lead to quality issues. Protracted downtime arises from delays in finding necessary data. Changes go untracked, leading to compounding issues later on down the line.

We’re not here to judge. We’re here to help. Our software solution RoboLive® is designed to fix this problem — and a dozen other problems you didn’t know you had. RoboLive® is a software solution that automatically gathers and processes joining process data from your production robots on a regular schedule. The data is distributed to installable clients, where your entire team can interact with it as intuitive visualizations, timelines, and searchable tables.
Most importantly? It makes it easier than ever for you and your team to do good work. When you use RoboLive®, everyone in your team will have instant access to the most current data from your robots – and it’s presented in intuitive and easy-to-understand formats. The process visualization window shows processes points and paths (nominal and real) on actual models of your products. All data is collected below in the Parameter table, where you can easily search, sort, and filter complicated information like weld force or glue programs. And with the Timeline, it only takes a single click to highlight all changes between two sets of data.
RoboLive® also includes analysis features such as the Warning Report Dashboard, which warns you about processes that are being adjusted frequently. And with a variety of add-ons like Weld Timer Interface or Vehicle-0 Determination, you can expand RoboLive®’s capabilities even further.
In other words, RoboLive® is the solution to your awful secret. It’s easy to install and available with unlimited licenses for a low one-time fee, so it’s simple to ditch your makeshift workaround and upgrade to the industry standard for body shop data transparency. After an initial consultation and a few weeks’ lead time, you’ll say goodbye to manually working through programs for data or wrangling unwieldy spreadsheets.
First consultations are available any time from our engineers: just visit our contact page and provide a few details. You may also be eligible for a feasibility test, where we real data from your robots is modelled in the system to prove the concept. Reach out today for more information, and follow us on LinkedIn to keep up with the latest from Dressler Automation.