Easy to install, easier to use.
Getting started with RoboLive® is simple, whether your choosing an onsite server, remote updates, or a static client.
The process begins with data: you’ll provide planned data and product models if available, which will be integrated by our engineers into your own custom client. When you receive your secure install link, you’ll be free to install RoboLive on as many PCs as you want.
Plans that work for you:
RoboLive® Setup provides you with the client installation and initial product integration. To start receiving real updates with data parsed from your robot backups, you’ll need to select an update service.
RoboLive® Server will be installed on the production network and provides automatic updates to your clients.
RoboLive® Service is good for plants with complex IT requirements, and provides downloadable updates based on backups you submit regularly. Both plans can provide updates as frequently as you need them.
Get even more value with add-ons:
Any package you choose contains everything you need to get started benefiting from RoboLive®. If you want additional functionality add-ons—including Weld Timer Interface, Vehicle-0 Determination, Robot Documentation, and more—are available.