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IZB 2022, Wolfsburg

900 exhibitions, 50,000 visitors, and 3 days after it began, last week marked the closing of IZB (the International Suppliers Fair) in Wolfsburg, Germany. It’s a major event—the biggest automotive trade show in Europe—and featured exhibitions and presentations from industry leaders and startups alike. As a provider of software used by major automotive manufacturers, we were thrilled to be among this year’s exhibitors. RoboLive®’s booth was located in Hall 6, in the area for metalworking, car body construction, and joining technology experts.

While the general show floor was exciting, the RoboLive® team made another appearance at IZB. We were chosen for exhibition in the Software Marketplace: a showcase space for 12 select software providers where we were able to demonstrate RoboLive®’s unique features. For manufacturers like Volkswagen (one of IZB’s sponsors), it’s an important part of maintaining efficient and quality robotic production.

Between our exhibition booth in Hall 6 and software marketplace presence in Hall 1, we had a great time meeting and talking with attendees. But the highlight of the show was the IZB Live Stage, space for industry leaders to give live presentations on the next generation of manufacturing technology. On Tuesday, our CEO Ralph Dressler led a talk on process visualization for robots. The full presentation has been archived on IZB’s website, so feel free to view it if you weren’t able to attend.

Overall, IZB was a great success. As excited as we were to show RoboLive®, attendees were more excited to hear about it: At the show’s conclusion, we were honored to be named one of IZB’s Top 20 Innovative Products.

After a successful year of traveling to trade shows around the world, IZB is the final appearance planned for the RoboLive® team in 2022. RoboLive® is always improving thanks to feedback from real users and interested parties, so we’re grateful for a successful year of feedback—and ready to keep on improving.

Didn’t get a chance to attend the show? If you want to meet our team, or would like a demonstration of RoboLive®, please reach out via our contact form.




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