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The RoboLive® Collaboration Center is your one-stop place to get information on your project proposal, presentation, or quote. Reach out to our team today for a one-on-one presentation, live demonstration, or trial download of RoboLive®.


project name

The RoboLive® Communication Center displays data from your most recent project. To view past project information or start a new project, contact a RoboLive representative.


Arne Broekers



first appraisal:





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Project status

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your project data

Project files may be needed to compile your RoboLive® client or demonstration. To access your secure file transfer link and add/modify project files, click the button below. Request files should be provided as soon as possible to allow for timely completion of service.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed sem quis ante pharetra bibendum. Nulla consequat fringilla dui, dignissim hendrerit tortor consectetur nec.


You’ve had a consultation, you’ve seen the RoboLive® client in action, or you’ve tried out a customized demo client. Now you’re ready to bring your entire department forward. As a completely new solution, RoboLive® can be difficult to understand and evaluate. Use our resource library and documentation to aid in the decision-making process and get RoboLive® running in your plant as soon as possible.



RoboLive® is custom-priced to provide maximum impact for minimal investment. Custom demonstrations are provided for free, with no-commitment offsite installs available.


Full installations of RoboLive® require minimal involvement from the IT department, and offsite pilot projects can be done completely autonomously.


RoboLive® is easy to install, and typical projects don’t require an onsite visit from our team. Get started today and have insights in an soon as 2 weeks.

Experience you can trust.

RoboLive® is a solution by Dressler Automation, a leading electrical engineering firm powered by over 50 years of automation expertise. Trusted by clients worldwide, we have the know-how and experience to deliver quality solutions for organizations of any size. RoboLive® has already transformed manufacturing operations at some of the largest automotive plants at home and abroad. Reach out to our team to request contacts or references if necessary for your decision making process.

Frequently Asked Questions:

First step is to transfer the relevant data. This is viewed, prepared for RoboLive® and, if necessary, verified on-site. The RoboLive® server is set up, if it does not yet exist, and configured. Finally, the data is entered.
For preparation all data that is to be embedded in RoboLive® can be exchanged. This can include CAD models of the product, target and actual data of the robot and optionally a layout.
Basically, it is only important that the data has common formats.
In principle, it doesn’t matter, as long as the highest level of information security is always guaranteed when exchanging data. If it is the best solution, we provide an upload link to our TISAX-certified company cloud.
RoboLive® needs an IP address reserved for its server on the production network. A linux virtual machine has to allocated to that RoboLive® server. Minimum recommended specifications for that Virtual Machine are 500GB drive space, 4GB ram, and 4 processors.
Special admin rights are required when commissioning certain aspects of the server. Regulary, IT departments does not want to give out those rights for security reasons. Therefore, a step-by-step guide to do the initial server commissioning can be provided. Of course, the Dressler Automation could do the commissioning themselves with the needed authorizations, also under observation when necessary.
The RoboLive® server needs to be set up once in every production network. If different networks (e.g. from different plants) are running the same way, the virtual machine can be copied and pasted easily. For every product integration the RoboLive® server has to be configured. The RoboLive® server doesn’t need to be maintained, while updates can be provided frequently.

reach out for more information

Have a unique situation or specific question? We want to make the RoboLive® setup process as easy as possible: Reach out today for a quick answer from one of our team members.